MIND OFF 009が7/1開催です。

僕は今回もVJ Kazのサポートで入る予定です。

[ English follows Japanese ]

【Ben Klock、Marcel Dettmanに続き、ジャンルを代表するアーティストに成長した“ JONAS KOPP “が来日!】


名門 “ TRESOR “ がパワー・プッシュする、鬼才ミニマリスト” JONAS KOPP “が、毎回、満員御礼続きで話題沸騰中のハイクオリティー ・テクノパーティー、MIND OFFに参戦!!


JonasはStroboscopic Artifacts、Ostgut Ton、Krill Musicなどのレーベルから素晴らしい作品を頻繁にリリースしている。今年5月にTresorよりセカンド・アルバムをリリースしたことも記憶に新しい。彼は様々な顔を持つプロデューサーとして知られ、



Mind Offお馴染みのFRAGMENTORは最近リリースした“Black Tartan”を、Tobias.がリミックスし国際的なテクノシーンに強烈なインパクトを残している。

パーティーのオープニングを飾るにふさわしいKOTAROとREKIという2人の新しい仲間も参加する。メインルームにはMind Off初期から素晴らしいセットを披露しているxXifも出演。彼は7月にはあたらしいEPをリリース予定だ。

そして最高のラインナップの締めくくりにDani SavantがMind Off恒例のクロージングを務める。



Let’s do this!!!


【 English 】

On July 1st Mind Off is back at Vent with one of the most prominent and exciting figures to emerge from Argentina. JONAS KOPP is on a par with genre-defying luminaries such as Levon Vincent, Ben Klock, Marcel Dettman and Ryan Elliot.

This May he released his second full album on Tresor, a label he frequently releases on. He is also very well known for having an eclectic discography on other labels such as Stroboscopic Artifacts, Ostgut Ton, and Krill Music.

Aside from his productions, Jonas is also multifaceted performer, and has become renowned for his three turntable DJ sets that course dizzyingly through tempos and temperaments — anything goes when Jonas is on deck.

Joining Jonas, is a now familiar face at Mind Off, FRAGMENTOR who with his recent release “Black Tartan” which was remixed by Tobias is making a strong name for himself in the international Techno circle.

Two new exciting artists joining Mind Off this time are KOTARO and REKI whose sound will perfectly sculpt the the beginning of the night.

Also joining the main room this time is xXif who has consistently delivered excellent sets from the beginning of Mind Off and will release an EP in early July.

Completing the lineup, Dani Savant will play his usual gripping closing set he is very well known for at Mind off parties.

It will be an epic one!!

Let’s do this!!!

【 MIND OFF 009 】

DATE : 7/1(SAT)

OPEN : 23:00

DOOR : ¥3,500 / FB discount : ¥3,000


Jonas Kopp (Pole Group / Tresor)

Fragmentor (Ribbon Recordings)

Dani Savant (Mind Off)

Kotaro (Wonkavator)


xXif ( .OiDZ | qu:artz | operio )

Visuals by





[ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中!



Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.


※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also,sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.



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