MIND OFF 3rd Anniversary
MIND OFF三周年でVJさせていただきます。
クレジットには僕の名前ないですが今回もVJ Kazのサポートで映像流す予定です。
vvv【 Rødhåd, Chris Liebingが大プッシュする” Dustin Zahn "と、スペイン・アンダーグランドのカリスマ” Tensal "が、
絶大な人気を誇るテクノ・パーティー” Mind Off “の3rd アニバーサリーに参戦!!】
今回のMInd Offは三年目を迎えるパーティーの誕生日です!
これもみんながMind Offを愛してくれたおかげです!
一人目はDustin Zahn。 Adam Beyer, Chris Liebing, Dubfire and Mark Broomなどの大物アーティストの楽曲をリミックスする一方、彼自身もDrumcode、Cocoon、RekidsやCRLなどの名門レーベルから次々とリリースを果たし、世界トップクラスのテクノDJそしてプロデューサーとしての地位を揺るぎないものとしている。
2004年に立ち上げられた彼自身のレーベルEnemy Recordsはダークでトライバルなスタイルを貫き、Dustinそのものといっても過言ではない。
Tensal(Hector Sandoval)はデュオユニットExiumの一人、Oscar Murelo率いるPole Groupからの刺客である。
三人目は日本のテクノシーンを背負うTakaaki Itoh!
日本だけに留まらず、Berghain、Tresor、 Awakenings festivalにまでその存在を知らしめた、彼のユニークでアンダーグラウンドなサウンドは大いにダンスフロアを沸かせるだろう。
そして、最後はMind Off恒例、Dani Savantのモーニングセットで締めくくります!
ラウンジもxXif、Ayana JJ、Dubo、Beats Techkillaがハイクオリティーな音楽をお届けします。
Let's Do This!!!
Mind Off will celebrate it's 3rd Anniversary at Vent on April 22, 2017. For this occasion we decided on an amazing lineup, headed by Dustin Zahn whose relentless releases on labels such as Drumcode, Cocoon, Rekids, as well as CLR and remixes for artists like Adam Beyer, Chris Liebing, Dubfire and Mark Broom have secured him a spot amongst the world's top Techno Djs and producers.
His Label Enemy Records founded in 2004 perfectly portrays Dustin's tribal, dark and hypnotic sound.
In addition for this special night Tensal, an artist on the same label Pole Group, as Oscar Mulero, will make his debut in Japan.
Tensal (Hector Sandoval) is half of Exium, but has been plowing through the Techno scene with his brand new style of techno that is more modern and cyclic, and based on classic synth lines. He releases on labels like Pole Group, Modularz, and is due to release on Soma Records this year. His DJ sets explore all facets of techno by alternating different textures and intensities that draw mainly from his own materials. A journey through current techno that will certainly get your attention.
Also back again with his 2 year anniversary of his new project is Fragmentor. For those of you who have been to Mind Off parties you know what to expect, and for those who haven't then brace yourselves for a powerful hypnotic experience.
And to put the cherry on top, Takaaki Itoh, one of Japan's most prominent techno artists, will animate the dancefloor and set the mood with his unique and underground sound which has made it even to clubs like Berghain, Tresor and the Awakenings festival.
Last but not least Dani Savant will make his usual early morning appearance, one that which has become a sought out moment at Mind Off.
In the Lounge xXif, Ayana JJ, Dubo and Beats Techkilla will provide the usual high quality sound experienced there.
So come take your mind off to some great music and atmosphere and celebrate this special day with us.
Let's Do This!!!
- Mind Off 3rd Anniversary Feat. Dustin Zahn and Tensal -
DATE : 4/22 (SAT)
OPEN : 23:00
DOOR : ¥3,500 / FB discount : ¥3,000
Dustin Zahn (Enemy Records / Drumcode)
Tensal (Pole Group / Tensal)
Fragmentor (Ribbon Recordings)
Takaaki Itoh (Wols. Residence)
Dani Savant (Mind Off)
VJ Kaz
xXif (odic)
Ayana JJ (Smitten)
Beats Techkilla (Mexico)
Dubo (iLinx)
[ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中!
Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.
※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also,sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.
URL : http://vent-tokyo.net/