VJ KAZが出演するMIND OFFが数年ぶりに日本に帰ってきます
僕もOSCAR MULEROさんとSOさんの時間帯でプレイ予定です
DATE : 12/3 (SAT)
OPEN : 23:00
DOOR : ¥3,500 / FB discount : ¥3,000
BEFORE 12AM : ¥3,000
Oscar Mulero (oficial) ( WARM UP, POLEGROUP, SPAIN )
Fragmentor ( Rhythm Converted, Italy )
So ( The Labyrinth, Tribute )
Dani Savant ( Mind Off )
xXif ( Oidz )
VJ Kaz ( Mind Off )
Mustache X ( Fakeeyes Production )
Taichi Kawahira ( Brightness )
Bob Rogue ( Rogue HQ, Wiggle Room )
Yamato ( Libero )
Ayana JJ ( Smitten )
Banano Beats Techkilla ( Mexico )
English follows Japanese
2016年12月3日、VENTにて7回目のMIND OFFが開催される。2014年に始まったこのパーティが2年の時を経て、表参道の地へ帰ってくる。今回はスペインからテクノのゴッドファザーの異名を持つOSCAR MULEROを迎える。
OSCARはマドリッドのBEN KLOCKとも称され若手アーティストSVRECAなどへインスピレーションを与えている。彼の音は有名クラブTRESORやBERGHAINから最大級のフェスティバルAWAKENINGSやDETROITの MOVEMENTなどで親しまれ、彼の獰猛で無制御なスタイルはワイルドな音を求めるパーティゴア達に楽しまれている。
そして今回は独自のミックスやプロダクションでテクノ界を突き進むFRAGMENTORもMIND OFFを盛り上げる為に2回目の来日を果たす。現在RIBBON RECORDINGSからTOBIAS.のリミックスを含めたEP制作活動中であり、2017年には彼の新作も期待できる。
OSCARのオープニングアクトにはLABYRINTHのSOを迎え、彼の温かく、グルーヴィな音は嵐の前の静けさの様にパーティの雰囲気を作ってくれるだろう。メインルームのオープンを担うのはMIND OFFの開始当初から心強いサポーターであるxXif。そして、オーガナイザーでもあるDANI SAVANTが強い催眠作用のある音楽で締めくくる。
メインルームの音が激しくなり、休憩したい時にはいつでもラウンジでお酒を飲みながら心地いいミニマルを聴きに来てほしい。今回はお馴染みのMUSTACHE Xに加えAYANA JJ、TAICHI KAWAHIRA、YAMATO、メキシコからBANANO BEATS TECHKILLA、そしていつもアヴァンギャルドな音でフロアを賑わせるBOB ROGUEなどもラウンジで回す。
MIND OFFの歴史の始まりであるこの地で、考えるのはやめて、心を解放しよう!
So Take Your Mind Off and Let's Do This!!!
On December 3, 2016 Mind Off is back with Volume 007 within the same walls where it started 2 years ago. The venue is now called Vent, and for Mind Off 007 we welcome the godfather of Techno in Spain, Oscar Mulero.
Oscar is Madrid's answer to Berlin's Ben Klock, and a true inspiration even for blooming artists such as Svreca. His sound travels from clubs such at Tresor and Berghain to massive festivals like Awakenings and Detroit's Movement. His style is fierce and unbridled so if you're looking for electronic music that's brimming with bite, then Oscar should be your go-to source.
Joining him will be Fragmentor, with his second appearance in Japan. He is rapidly accelerating in the world of techno with his cutting edge mixes and solid productions. He is currently working on an EP for Ribbon Recordings which is supposed to come out in 2017 with a remix by Tobias.
To help set the mood for the party, Mind Off welcomes back Labyrith's own So. His warm and groovy sound will be like the calm before the storm for this party.
Opening up in the main room will be xXif who has been a strong supporter and DJ at Mind Off from the beginning.
And last but not least Mind Off's own, Dani Savant will put the cherry on top with his powerful hypnotic sound which defines the party itself.
If things get too intense in the Main Room, you can always retreat to the Lounge for a drink and enjoy a comfortable minimal sound by Mustache X, who is a familiar face to the Mind Off parties as well as some new ones such as Ayana JJ, Taichi Kawahira, Yamato, and Banano Beats Techkilla from Mexico. One of the highlights in the Lounge is Bob Rogue who usually tares up the dance floor with his avant-garde style.
Join us on this journey at ground 0 where Mind Off first took flight and be prepared to loose yourself in the perfectly programmed sound and amazing atmosphere of this party.
So Take Your Mind Off and Let's Do This!!!
[ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中!
Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.
※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also,sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.